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作者uqajiliv 日期24-11-08 01:01 点击率972 回帖0


‘Horizon’ plane’s innovative shape promises greener flights and added comfort БАЛЛИСТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЯТИТОЧЕЧНИК

Spurred by increasing global demand for air travel, aviation emissions have been rising faster than those from rail, road, or shipping in recent decades. Solutions to invert the trend are slow-dripping: Sustainable Aviation Fuel, which can cut emissions on a flight by 80% when produced and used correctly, could represent two thirds of the reduction in emissions needed for aviation to reach its net-zero goal by 2050. But, it’s in short supply and in the best case scenario, SAF will have accounted for just 0.53% of all jet fuel use in 2024, a far cry from the levels required to make an impact.

While airlines and regulators scramble for ideas to decarbonize the industry, some engineers are suggesting that an entirely new type of aircraft shape is required to save big on fuel consumption and therefore emissions. This does away with the traditional “tube and wing” design that has been the mainstay of commercial aviation for 100 years, in favor of something called a “blended wing body,” in which the wing area takes up a large portion of the fuselage and creates a distinctive-looking plane.

In 2020, Airbus created a small scale, remote-controlled blended wing demonstrator, to test out a design the company said could save up to 20% of fuel. In 2023, California-based JetZero announced plans for an aircraft with a similar design, with capacity for over 200 passengers and has an ambitious target of entry into service by 2030.


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