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作者exakubyp 日期24-11-16 23:42 点击率1,110 回帖0


 Rare gladiator-shaped knife handle gives insight into Roman celebrity culture pancakeswap finance v3

A rare knife handle in the shape of a gladiator has been discovered at Hadrian’s Wall in the north of England, shining a new light on the celebrity status of the ancient Roman combatants.

The copper alloy knife handle depicts a class of gladiator known as a “secutor,” according to conservation charity English Heritage, which cares for the historic site where the artefact was found.

A rare knife handle in the shape of a gladiator has been discovered at Hadrian’s Wall in the north of England, shining a new light on the celebrity status of the ancient Roman combatants.

The copper alloy knife handle depicts a class of gladiator known as a “secutor,” according to conservation charity English Heritage, which cares for the historic site where the artefact was found.


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